Sunday, November 18, 2007


Note: All species living on the planet now are genetically engineered by civilization. Pre-civilization species have all been wiped out. This includes humans. There are no living humans on earth.

Players will select a mutant animal from one of my books OR a robot; Elves, Dwarves, Kobalds, Goblins, Hobgoblins and Orcs are also available to be played.

Elves, Dwarves, Kobalds, Goblins, Hobgoblins and Orcs do not select powers or mutations as they are alien to Earth and did not arrive until after the crash; however, they may select any of the available character backgrounds and jobs.

Mutant animals get Hands: Full, Biped: Full and Speech: Full for free. This is in part due to the fact that full human intelligence requires all three, and livestock species tend to lack one or more of these. Players may trade in these traits for extra BIOE to aquire a major superpower, if desired.

Available powers for mutants only:

Human- Character has enough of the human genone that he appears human and receives a bonus of +5 PB and +1PP. Costs 5 BIOE.
Wizard - Character has the capacity to be a living mana battery and use magic, a most awesome force. Costs 30 BIOE.
Sixth Sense - Character can detect supernatural, see undead, see invisible, detect magic, see auras, and all other sorts of praeternatural phenominon.
Flight - Character can fly, despite logic - Costs 40 BIOE.
Laser Vision - Character can shoot lasers from their eyes, which can deal 1D8 damage - Costs 5 BIOE.
Energy Expulsion: Fire - Character can shoot fire from his fingertips. Deals 2D6 damage plus 1D6 per level of experience. Costs 40 BIOE.
Energy Expulsion: Electricity - Character can shoot electricity from his fingertips. Deals 2D6 damage plus 1D6 per level of experience. Costs 40 BIOE.
Energy Expulsion: Ice - Character can shoot ice from her fingertips. Deals 2D6 damage plus 1D6 per level of experience. Costs 40 BIOE.
Bend Light - Character can bend light beams around them for various effects. Costs 40 BIOE.
Superior Intellect - Roll an additional 1D6 to IQ, character gets an additional skill school. Costs 20 BIOE.
Superior Charisma - Roll an additional 1D6 to MA, character ________ Costs 20 BIOE.
Superior Willpower - Roll an additional 1D6 to ME, character _______ Costs 20 BIOE.
Superior Strength - Roll an additional 1D6 to PS, character can lift and carry more. Costs 20 BIOE.
Superior Dexterity - Roll an additional 1D6 to PP, character can strike and react faster. Costs 20 BIOE.
Superior Vitality - Roll an additonal 1D6 to PE, character can survive without food and water far longer. Costs 20 BIOE.
Superior Speed - Roll an additional 1D6 to Spd, character can run and dodge easier. Costs 20 BIOE.
Superior Hotness - Roll an additional 1D6 to PB, character can ___________. Costs 20 BIOE.

Major superpowers:

Alter Physical Structure: Fire - Character can transform into a fire creature. Costs 50 BIOE.
Alter Physical Structure: Electricity - Character can transform into an electron-entity, which confers a considerable amount of changes. Costs 50 BIOE.
Alter Physical Structure: Ice - Character can transform into an ice-entity, which confers a considerable amount of changes. Costs 50 BIOE.
Alter Physical Structure: Stone - Character can transform into a stone-entity, which confers a considerable amount of changes. Costs 50 BIOE.
Alter Physical Structure: Metal - Character can transform into a Metal-entity, which confers a considerable amount of changes. Costs 50 BIOE.
Alter Physical Structure: Liquid - Character can transform into a liquid-entity, which confers a considerable amount of changes. Costs 50 BIOE.
Electromagnetism: Character is a walking electrical battery, and can generate magnetic forces of all sorts of magnatudes. Costs 70 BIOE.
Teleportitis - Character can teleport to any location known, just by thinking about it. Costs 50 BIOE.
Elasticity - Character can stretch herself out like Mr. Fantastic - Costs 60 BIOE.
Mimic - Character can copy the form and abilities of other creature. Costs 60 BIOE.
Regeneration - Character naturally regenerates at a much more rapid pace, requiring a larger amount of food but permitting longevity. Costs 50 BIOE.
Limited Invunerability - Takes no damage from physical contact attacks. Gas attacks, energy attacks and damage to organs do full damage. Costs 70 BIOE.
Telekinetic - Character can move objects with their minds. Costs 60 BIOE.

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