Saturday, December 8, 2007



Robots in the world of spasma are usually very young. More often than not, they are scavenged together from pre-crash parts of defunct bodies by enthusiastic bio-creatures. That's the thing about robots, much like a living creature they require that all their parts work properly to actually function properly, but when not being used by a robot, a part, unless it erodes from natural causes, will remain useful.

Consequentially, robots of the modern age cannibalize each other, some hunting down weaker robots to acquire greater parts. Alas, when the strain of survival became too great, even the legendary codes of ethics broke down.

Most (not all) parts that robots use to construct their bodies are also used by cyborgs and can be interchanged.

Robot PCs will be constructed post-crash. Any robot that survived the crash (and presumably there are some) would be far too powerful for a player to start as.

A starter robot has a budget of $7.5 million for parts from the Heroes Unlimited manual.

Players will get advanced artificial intelligence for free, since its the only one worth playing (well, the transfered consciousness is cool too, but again, too powerful.) Players could opt to say their robot is the transfered consciousness of its creator, but the exact same rules apply. No pre-crash intelligences, however.

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